American Christian Principles of Government—Part 2: Self-Government
American Christian Principles of Government—Part 1: Individuality - Episode 39
Today begins a 7-part series leading up to our national holy day of independence from British rule and tyranny. This series of teachings is dedicated to two of my foremost teachers in America’s Christian history and government: the late James B. Rose and Katherine Dang.
Have you ever been told that America is not exceptional? That America is just like any other nation?
If you have or believe this yourself—it is a lie.
The unique identity of America has been lost for generations. As a result, our families are under attack and are suffering simply because what is innate to the created order is you being yourself and being protected in that right, which is delegated to you by our unseen King Jesus Christ.
Is the individual primary in society or the group? Learn the contrast between the Christian idea of man and the pagan idea of man, which has major implication on how you live life on the King’s land today.
Understanding the governing principle of individuality will open your eyes to see whether you are truly living free or as a slave.
You won’t want to miss Episode 39 of this podcast ministry if you desire to be faithful to what the Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished in America unlike any other nation on the earth. That’s a bold statement, and one that is backed up with much evidence in the two volumes of law: the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God.
Are you concerned about socialism taking over and destroying our country? The victory answer is the topic of this episode.
Get ready to have your world rocked and shaken out of the fallen, natural, debased mind of men, designing life for you in opposition to the glorious design work of the all-powerful King Eternal.
Read moreNursing America Back to Freedom (Part 3) - Episode 38
Why is the worth of a virtuous woman far exceeding that of rubies?
Because without women of virtue on the King’s land America, there would be no America.
In today’s episode of Scriptures for Patriots, I introduce and read from the writings of two prominent American women of virtue, Lydia Sigourney and Emma Willard.
Be inspired and gain encouragement from the ideas communicated by these American Christian women of virtue and power.
Sources referenced in this episode:
Study of American History - Emma Willard
Lydia Huntley Sigourney: Teaching & Writing to Plant & Nurture Self-Government
Two Views of Life in America — America’s Enemy vs. Americans
Nursing America Back to Freedom (Part 2)
When one reads the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31, this conclusion is inescapable—she is a completely liberated and free woman.
Such liberation and freedom is a mighty work of our unseen King Jesus Christ. He said so: “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.”
Liberty and freedom is the gospel purpose of America, and mothers have a divine purpose to nurse her back to that noble standing.
In this episode of Scriptures for Patriots, I draw from Founding Fathers
- James Madison
- George Washington
- Samuel Adams
- Benjamin Franklin
on how America’s existence is predicated on the virtue of her people, not the least of whom are her mothers. Virtue is power to live free on the King’s land today and educate our children, grandchildren, and spiritual children to be free.
I introduce an assessment tool that reveals to what degree you are honoring America’s Founding Fathers or are providing aid, comfort, and compliance to America’s enemies.
Sources referenced in this episode:
Read the enlightening article Why Women Don't Want The Sufferage.
Read Only a Virtuous People Are Capable of Freedom.
Read Samuel Adam's Letter to James Warren (February 12, 1779)
The Power of the KING'S Love
The Biblical Basis for Huey Lewis’s Lyrics
“The Power of Love”
Set me as a seal upon your heart,
As a seal upon your arm;
For love is as strong as death,
Jealousy as cruel as the grave;
Its flames are flames of fire,
A most vehement flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
Nor can the floods drown it.
If a man would give for love
All the wealth of his house,
It would be utterly despised. —Song of Songs 8:6, 7
Throughout his song “The Power of Love,” Huey Lewis borrows truth from the King of Love, Jesus Christ. To the merely casual listener, this truth may not be immediately obvious. Consequently, it is for the benefit of all those who have listened to this song but may not be sure how the lyrics support the message of my father’s podcast series “The Power of the King’s Love” that I now present the biblical basis for “The Power of Love.”
Read moreNursing America Back to Freedom (Part 1) - Episode 36
Happy Mother’s Day 2022! This episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots is for those mothers who desire to mediate the power of the King through their virtuous lives.
The woman of virtue is clothed with strength and honor, and in this lies her attraction.
Mothers, if you desire to see America regain her freedom from her enemies, you hold the key to regaining that freedom through the excellent administration and governance of your own home. By your virtuous influence you can nurse America back to freedom.
Read my supplemental article: Nursing America Back to Freedom: The Divine Duty of American Christian Mothers
Read Victoria's blog post: The Power of the King's Love
The Power of Love - If You Lose Your Love, You Lose Your Power (Part 12) - Episode 35
Why should you excel at exercising, promoting, and defending the King’s love? Because without it, you are not in genuine service for the King and His government, which is self-government.
The King’s love operating in your life provides the motivation and energy to take action against every evil against your life. Therefore, if you lose your love for King Jesus, you lose your power to serve Him when it truly counts.
Daniel 11:32 states, “The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”
Download an outline of this 12-part series.
This is the concluding episode of the series “The Power of the King’s Love.”
Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—
Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016
Telephone: 918-838-1385
If no answer, call: 918-437-7064
Email: [email protected]
Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.
Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”
Download the contextual model:Pagan_vs._Christian_Era.pdf
The Power of Love Over Anger and Cursing (Part 11) - Episode 34
What happens when a person surrenders to the perfect Lawgiver of Love?
How do you know you are loving people when it truly counts?
How can a person who gets angry in the flesh and curses at life’s problems learn to be abased? As Paul the Apostle wrote, “…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound” (Philippians 4:11, 12).
The answer to these questions is highlighted by one aspect of behavior and attitude that is called forth when others oppose your life to live under the King’s government today.
Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—
Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016
Telephone: 918-838-1385
If no answer, call: 918-437-7064
Email: [email protected]
Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.
Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”
Download the contextual model:Pagan_vs._Christian_Era.pdf
The Power of the King’s Love, Suffering, & The Resurrection—(Part 10) - Episode 33
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical reality. He was crucified at age thirty-three and today is Episode thirty-three of this podcast ministry. His providences are a marvel.
The Bible teaches the King’s resurrection, and history confirms that He is risen from the dead. But what does His resurrection mean for your life today?
You don’t want to be a Christian who plays the part without the vital side of genuine faith.
Join me in this episode of Scriptures for Patriots where I connect the King’s love with suffering for His authority, leading to resurrection power in your life today.
Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—
Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016
Telephone: 918-838-1385
If no answer, call: 918-437-7064
Email: [email protected]
Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.
Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”
Download the contextual model: Pagan vs. Christian Era
The Power of the King’s Love, Suffering, & The Resurrection—(Part 9) - Episode 32
Suffering the King’s authority in your life is not an end in itself. Resurrection power is the result of exercising the King’s love and suffering for it. The King shares His power with those who fellowship in His sufferings, but few go through this narrow gate.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the resurrection of His government, which is self-government.
If there were no resurrection of Jesus Christ, there would be no America.
If there were no gospel of Jesus Christ, there would be no America.
There is a resurrection of the King’s love on His land America and in any country where there is even one who will stand in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.
Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—
Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016
Telephone: 918-838-1385
If no answer, call: 918-437-7064
Email: [email protected]
Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.
Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”