Authority for Economic Liberty (Part 4) - Episode 14

In this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I continue to contrast the Old pagan World of Europe with the New Christian World of America, addressing how to overcome through Christian self-government the evil strongholds in people, institutions, churches, politics, and bureaucracies.

This episode of the Sunday Scriptures for Patriots podcast is available to listen to here.

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  • Barry Durmaz
    commented 2021-12-04 08:44:40 -0500
    The way a ship is built in modern times to build the hull with bulkheads. That way the ship can take a hit and water will fill up only that compartment sealed off from the remainder of the ship hull. Thus, giving the captain and crew (father and family in my case) time to get to shore for repairs. It’s good to be able to take a hit and not have it sink the entire vessel of family government. That’s how real this is for me and ought to be for all householders.
  • Barry Durmaz
    commented 2021-12-04 08:38:29 -0500
    You are most welcome, Satomi. One one hand it is sad that we have to do these work arounds to protect our family financial interests. On the other hand it seems to be the nature of reality, that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. So why not out-strategize all of hell with practices that allow us the freedom to use our property as we see fit while equally building a family financial fortress to withstand attacks from the evil empire?
  • Satomi Hirano
    commented 2021-11-22 19:33:58 -0500
    Thank you for sharing about not having any assets in your personal name and instead setting up a Family Trust. I’ve shared this video with my sister as she has already been considering setting up a Trust as we are confident in the Lord’s promise to restore all the years the locust has eaten away & preparing to receive our inheritance in the Lord.