Convening Court

Convene, v.t. To summon judicially to meet or appear. —Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

Where there is no court among God's people to hear matters of controversy at divine law, there is no justice and therefore no governmental arm of America's unseen King.

In other words, any group commercially identifying itself an "XYZ Church", is a bureaucratic counterfeit and not the authentic body of the King's men and women summoned to govern and rule in the midst of the King's enemies. Churches of the Newer Testament records are identified only by the town or city they occupy. 

Therefore, we are praying, laboring, and calling for the Holy Spirit of King Jesus to make manifest His rule through churches authorized according to the pattern set forth in the Newer Testament law of the Spirit. 

The following cases are brought forward:

Barry Durmaz v. Ken Myers

Barry Durmaz v. Troy Beam

Barry Durmaz v. Chuck Vuolo

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