Satomi Hirano commented on American Christian Principles of Government—Part 4: Property 2022-07-11 14:23:32 -0400What a great episode on the distinctly Christian idea of property firmly embedded in the American Republic & protected by the Constitution! I love the quote from James Madison, “Conscience is the most sacred of all property” and I can see why the original Webster’s dictionary of 1828 was replaced especially when he used as a footnote quoting Gen.1:26-30, “God created man with a clear mandate to exercise dominion on His land”!
Thank you Barry for bringing these powerful ideas of liberty to the forefront of America’s conscience & identity.
Satomi Hirano commented on American Christian Principles of Government—Part 3: Christian Character 2022-06-27 15:26:25 -0400Thank you again for mention Noah Webster as one of the founding fathers of America who gave us the dictionary with a biblical worldview using 28% of definitions directly from scripture! I have a deeper appreciation of the historical evidence, as you emphasize, that America is a Christian (not Jewish or Muslim or Buddhist) nation and God’s hand is still guiding her to fulfill ALL that God purposed for this nation.
Interesting you would ask, What is the theme of the 1st century Christian? The past 3 months during my quiet time, I’ve been hearing in my heart “Trust Me” and the scripture I received early in my Christian walk from James 1:2 came to mind, “Count it all joy…Let patience have her perfect work”. Of course, that is the last thing I wanted to hear again but a little book was brought to my attention, “On Patience” and the opening lines read, “The earliest Christians deemed patience ‘the greatest of all virtues’ and that which was ‘pecurliarly Christian’…the vision for this new culture came in significant measure from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.” What a testimony these 1st century Christians must have made on their surrounding culture whenever they faced trials & tribulations enabling them to display both patience & a peculiar exuberance. And I’m hearing throughout this episode on how to develop the Christ-centred life much from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.
I must say that I am seeing another perspective to your messages, the historical, you are an inspiring historian on the Christian roots of the American Republic. As you know, I’ve been praying that God would raise up a Canadian who would research the historical Christian roots of Canada. We are fortunate to have a Canadian patriot like Matthew Ehret who has done some deep & thorough research on the history of Canada & and why we Canadians have been happy to be “hewers of wood and drawers of water, Jos.9:20” instead of the superior form of sovereignty defined in the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia.
Satomi Hirano commented on The Power of Love 2022-05-12 19:17:45 -0400Amen! Such a timely word when we need to demonstrate the power of the King’s love today to a world that needs healing.
Thank you for clarifying the difference between The King’s love for us and our love for the King. What a shock to my system when I began meditating in 1 Cor. 13 and having to admit the many times I did not always trusts, always hope, always persevere and the times my love flat out failed only to realize that is MY love and not HIS Love. Thankfully His love never fails in loving us while patiently doing his perfect work in us so that we be perfect (mature) and complete (wisdom) lacking nothing.
Last year I met a Muslim man who was devoutly observing Ramadan and was delighted to share with him a story about Karl Barth, the Swiss theologian, who wrote volumes of theological works on The Trinity. A student once asked Barth if he could sum up in a few sentences his life’s work. Barth thought about it for awhile and said, "Yes I can. It’s a song my mother taught me when I was a child and he sang, “Jesus love me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…..” The Muslim man smiled and immediately brought out his phone and showed me a picture of his beautiful daughter named, Mary.
If only we can remember to share the love of Jesus, sometimes with words!
Satomi Hirano commented on The Power of the King’s Love (Part 3) - Episode 26 2022-02-28 15:26:41 -0500What a powerful message that needs much meditation and thank you for bringing to my attention what Jesus said in Matt. 22:29 as we are today living in a culture of great deception & seduction. Alarmingly much of the church is no different from the world because they know NOT the scriptures nor the power of God. Wow…as goes the Church so goes the world!
Don’t be too hard on us women for not having the boldness & fearlessness to speak forth & stand firmly on the Word of God as 1Jn.4:18 says, “fear involves torment” and Ifeel, what torments most women is a ‘guilty conscience’ especially mother with all their internal narratives of “should haves, could haves, would haves” desiring to give their loving best to them. I saw this in my sister raising her children & who is still a real moma-bear even though her kids are over 50! Heb. 9:9-14 clearly shows why we do not have the boldness to enter into the Holiest/presence of God because our conscience has not been cleansed, Heb.10:22.
But I am being very encouraged by meditating on Ps.110:3, “Your people shall be volunteers/willing in the day of Your power”.
Btw, I leave my comments on Rumble.com but I see now you are also on youTube too. Do you prefer members to leave their comments here? I can transfer my comment of last week here as I so appreciated seeing Victoria on the episode with you.
Satomi Hirano commented on Authority for Economic Liberty (Part 4) - Episode 14 2021-11-22 19:33:58 -0500Thank you for sharing about not having any assets in your personal name and instead setting up a Family Trust. I’ve shared this video with my sister as she has already been considering setting up a Trust as we are confident in the Lord’s promise to restore all the years the locust has eaten away & preparing to receive our inheritance in the Lord.
Satomi Hirano commented on No Courts—No Justice 2021-10-27 02:21:09 -0400Your testimony & Word of the Lord bears a strong witness in my spirit and needs to be heard & supported by our spiritual leaders in the body of Christ. Like the armour bearer who protects & gives encouragement in the battle, said to Jonathan in 1 Sam. 14:7, “Do all that is in your heart…” for the Lord is with you! I will share this with as many as the Lord puts on my heart.
Satomi Hirano commented on Episode 9 - The Right To Travel (God’s Law vs. Mans Law) Part 2 2021-10-12 21:41:56 -0400I was impressed that you have a collection of Sir William Blackstone’s treatise on the common law of England and what you shared about your daughter’s court case. Canada must be under common law being a British subject. The internet search says, “The common law tradition applies throughout Canada in all matters of public law”. I wonder if this is common knowledge to most Canadian lawyers and how common law will apply to us Canadians especially in cases of mandatory vaccine? I just heard that all the Transit staff will need to be vaxxed as of Nov. 29th and are they getting ready to eventually have everyone who travels by Transit be vaccinated as I don’t drive and depend on Transit to get around?
Satomi Hirano commented on Episode 6: Sunday Scriptures For Patriots 2021-09-30 13:34:10 -0400Thank you for your thoughtful comment to my response to Andrea’s situation. I am in total agreement with your assessment of many Christian counselling that in many ways are more secular in their practice than biblically based. One benefit from counselling is that you receive an understanding of some of the root causes of one’s dis-ease but very little power to overcome them and what happens is that we learn to adjust rather than being overcomers. As much as I rejoice when I have been healed & delivered from many strongholds of bondage and hear the testimonies of my friends or others, for some reason I feel the Lord has me asked me to accompany Him in His rescue mission to that one lost sheep as he stated in Matt.18:11-12. My Christian walk has been a paradox in many ways. Before I committed my life to Jesus Christ in 1981, I knew many remarkable men with dreams & visions and we loved much but our naivety lacked wisdom and as a Joan Baez song goes, “Dreams die hard!” When I read the Bible I knew the Gospel message was what my friends were truly seeking & I prayfully expected them to receive salvation and enter into the Kingdom of heaven on earth. Instead the Lord brought into my life many deeply wounded souls that were unable to live a victorious life in Christ Jesus yet stayed true to Him and the Lord graciously is keeping them in what I call, His safety net. But the past 40 years, I’ve been to more funerals than weddings.
Yes, we are His minsters to do the work of ministry to those whom the Holy Spirit brings into our lives but because today we are living in perilous times, the Lord is leading me out of the wilderness to lay claim to the promises He has given me.
Satomi Hirano commented on Episode 3: Sunday Scriptures for Patriots: Overcoming America's Enemies With Christian Self-Government 2021-09-08 14:17:01 -0400As the Lord leads I will keep your household & ministry in prayer. At the moment Canada is holding a snap election, Sept. 20th and I am part of a prayer/intercession Canada-wide Firewall as well as helping campaign for the candidate in my municipality. Canada IS a SHEEP nation! Looking forward to your next episode.