The Power of the King’s Love (Part 3) - Episode 26

How is love and power connected in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ?

How important is the King’s perfect law of liberty to achieving victory over sin and addictions?

Why is ignorance of the King’s perfect law of liberty not simply being wrong about a given matter but so much worse that you don’t want to be guilty of such ignorance?

Join me on this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots as we continue the journey of overcoming enemies to the family, church, and state.

Passages of Scripture addressed in this episode: I Corinthians 4:20; I John 4:17–18; Matthew 22:29; Matthew 22:37.


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  • Barry Durmaz
    commented 2022-03-12 16:26:28 -0500
    I praise the Lord, my dear sister in service for our unseen King, that your spirit bears witness with mine over the NON-negotiable terms of the King’s law of love.

    We have the victory in Him to the degree that we are intimate with what He has already said in order to be spared the pain and misery of those who profess to know Him, but disregard the King’s perfect law of liberty.

    The two passages in Hebrews you quote have been to my victory for years in applying by faith the pure blood of our Lord to do what cannot be done without Him. This is shouting ground for me and I trust it is for you and others you speak.

    It’s hard not to be down about the regrets and loses from poor choices. I’ve been there in a BIG way. But at the same time, such loses under the blood of Jesus Christ lose their sting because He is in the business of redeeming ALL things unto Himself.

    Thank you for letting me know that you’ve left comments on Rumble. My problem has been that those podcast videos are rightly on Sean Morgan’s channel. Because of that, I don’t get notifications like I do with my ministry website or my YouTube and Rumble Channels.

    What make sense to me currently is supporters of HE IS to leave comments there, while people who are not supporters but who listen/view on Sean’s channels leave their comments there. I am going to give preferential treatment to respond to my supporters who engage me at HE IS. That can be an incentive for non-supporters to considering joining to support our mission.

    I am going to reply to you on Rumble. But if you’re so inclined to repost your comments on my blog, I will also leave my reply there. Moving forward, Satomi, as you post comments here, perhaps you could copy the link to the post url and paste that on Rumble to help promote the mission of Household Embassy International Services. You want to try that out and see how that works for both of us?

    I’m still learning the ropes of social media and quite frankly, it can be an endless hole with little return. I want to engage our listeners and see how to do that better while continuing to maintain well-ordered liberty at the home front.
  • Satomi Hirano
    commented 2022-02-28 15:26:41 -0500
    What a powerful message that needs much meditation and thank you for bringing to my attention what Jesus said in Matt. 22:29 as we are today living in a culture of great deception & seduction. Alarmingly much of the church is no different from the world because they know NOT the scriptures nor the power of God. Wow…as goes the Church so goes the world!
    Don’t be too hard on us women for not having the boldness & fearlessness to speak forth & stand firmly on the Word of God as 1Jn.4:18 says, “fear involves torment” and Ifeel, what torments most women is a ‘guilty conscience’ especially mother with all their internal narratives of “should haves, could haves, would haves” desiring to give their loving best to them. I saw this in my sister raising her children & who is still a real moma-bear even though her kids are over 50! Heb. 9:9-14 clearly shows why we do not have the boldness to enter into the Holiest/presence of God because our conscience has not been cleansed, Heb.10:22.
    But I am being very encouraged by meditating on Ps.110:3, “Your people shall be volunteers/willing in the day of Your power”.
    Btw, I leave my comments on but I see now you are also on youTube too. Do you prefer members to leave their comments here? I can transfer my comment of last week here as I so appreciated seeing Victoria on the episode with you.