Suffering the King’s authority in your life is not an end in itself. Resurrection power is the result of exercising the King’s love and suffering for it. The King shares His power with those who fellowship in His sufferings, but few go through this narrow gate.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the resurrection of His government, which is self-government.
If there were no resurrection of Jesus Christ, there would be no America.
If there were no gospel of Jesus Christ, there would be no America.
There is a resurrection of the King’s love on His land America and in any country where there is even one who will stand in the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings.
Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—
Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016
Telephone: 918-838-1385
If no answer, call: 918-437-7064
Email: [email protected]
Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.
Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”
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