
Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. —Proverbs 27:2



Barry's teachings, mentorship, book, and each of his family members have blessed me, my business, my marriage, and my family. He and his family have gone above and beyond to bring the light of Christ and his teachings into my life. When I reflect, I realize that this shift to using the word of God as my guide for my family government has given me the system that I was missing. Before, I was leaning on my own fallen mind for understanding. Now I know where to turn and Barry and his family have been instrumental in that shift. (Not only on a theoretical level, but a practical seeing them live it.) If you have the opportunity to seek counsel from Barry, you should treasure it. He is very generous with his time, attention, tools, and resources for living a righteous life in imitation of Christ

Sean Morgan



"First, I want to say, you are an incredible person. I wish we could clone your mind and character! I am not saying this to flatter you or float your ego. I believe you are truly an asset to liberty and I will do my utmost to support you in every way. To be sure, many people have, and many will misunderstand your intentions and your beliefs. Being misunderstood is part and parcel of the territory you are navigating. I also know that you have a reasonable understanding of what you are up against not only in the struggle toward liberty but the human challenges in life. A large element of your success is focused on your ability to articulate your thoughts and beliefs. In that, you are doing well, however because of the magnitude of your challenges, the necessity to do that is increased a thousand fold. Continuously consider your ever increasing responsibility for clear articulate communication in speech and in the written word. I know you are up to the challenge."

Blessings to you & family,


Patrick Locke, DTM, Triple Crown
Toastmasters District 7
Northern Division G Director

“Barry....endeavor to refine, document and present your thesis often as possible, then record and address hostile and friendly questions, until your convictions are well founded. You are bound to make the brethren uncomfortable!”

James B. Rose, President
 American Christian Heritage Institute


"Barry...a man who embodies this teaching more than anyone I know."

Max Lyons
Director of Teaching Services
Foundation for American Christian Education