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Having read What is an American, I join my name to this Declaration of Individual Repentance as an act of thinking and acting governmentally.
I do not presume a comprehensive knowledge of all the evils committed among God's people, but in my book, I summed them up by lies, theft, and murder. This Declaration of Repentance is likely a work in progress with others who have the clarity they do for demanding justice to prevail among professors of the Christian faith. In my book, I have made an introductory case about the crimes committed by Christians of the letter for being found without the life-giving Spirit.
In the same spirit of those men who've gone before to declare true law from false law, if you are so moved, add your consent to this declaration, and if you have a transgression you would like to see added to this Declaration, please submit that for my family's consideration.
Based on Chapter 6: Christians: Pretenders and Pirates vs. Patriots of Freedom, I no longer consent to the following sins, which suppress and deny the virtue of King Jesus to govern me, my family government, or church government:
- Denying the King's remedy for conflict resolution
- Denying the privilege of every member of the church to discipline an unrepentant believer
- For speculation
- For evil suspicions
- For suppressing evidence
- For leaders lording themselves over the flock of God
- For advancing false peace
- For blurring the distinctions between church meetings and ministry meetings
- For humanistic answers to spiritual problems
- For denying the power of Christ by accommodating the evils of socialism, Marxism, and communism.
- For promising liberty but are slaves of corruption
- For teaching a faith without virtue
- For taking away truth through man-made grace
- For adding to truth through man-made law
- For a form of godliness without the power of virtue
- For denying due process
- For suppressing evidence
- For complying with the traditions of men
- For false signs of peace
- For being lovers of money rather than lovers of the King and His people
- For truncating the Lord's supper to a cold snack
- For displacing a using-kind-of-faith with a meeting-kind-of-faith
- For reducing Christ to a figure-head
- For working against maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace
- For denominational/non-denominational divisions
- For denying the mighty works of Christ in America
- For being trampled under the feet of unregenerate men
- For a preoccupation with buildings instead of Christ, the builder of His church
Having read What is an American, I join my name