Children's Essays on God
Over a year ago, I led my family through a course of study, Principles of American Government, compiled by the late Ben Gimore and published by the Foundation for American Christian Education.
Americans Have an Identity Crisis
This short talk is coming to you from Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Abolishing Prison Slavery; Episode 2
The Durmaz Household Embassy for the unseen Lawgiver no longer consents to the evil of incarceration for injuries done to others. Restitution is the SUPERIOR and only just alternative for men to make their injured neighbor whole again.
Download my thinking governmentally tool: True Freedom vs. Manufactured Freedom
Read my letter and invitation to residents in Lancaster County specifically and Pennsylvanians generally to attend my court case at a Courtroom Observer and assemble the Common Law Grand Jury.
Freedom Objective #2
Church Government
Overcome Ecclesiastical Strongholds
The Local Self Governed American Christian Church
in Paradise, Pennsylvania
Exercising the Three Functions of Government:
Planning, Executing, and Judging for Themselves
Why the Early Church Didn't Have Worship Services
Proskuneo Does Not Mean Worship
The Shift: How the Early Church Evolved from House Meetings to Temple Worship
Why they Didn't Preach Sermons in the Early Church
Proclaiming spiritual liberty is the divine mission of the church, which is the voice of conscience to family and state. Conversely, evidence of a false gospel preached is oppression, powerlessness, and corruption by proud men occupying leadership positions—a present reality. The glorious and victorious governmental arm of the Lord Jesus Christ is reduced to ecclesiastical bureaucracies. Here is where we get to why family men displace their Christ-masculine authority.
“Christianity has a masculine message of a husband who laid down His life for His bride. But we have an effeminate church preaching an effeminate gospel, proclaiming Jesus as Savior while ignoring His command for male rule in His kingdom.”
—Zachary M. Garris; Masculine Christianity; p. 27
“…think about the connotations of sitting, listening passively, and being led. Is that more compatible with maleness or femaleness? There, in a nut-shell, is why today’s church attracts more women than men. Women don’t feel a need to prove their womanhood. Men, on the other hand, have an astonishing psychospiritual need to prove their manhood over and over and over. And sitting in rows doesn’t do it.
Paul comments that “it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church” and to teach men. I suspect the main reason he was so extreme on that point is that it kind of puts men in the posture of women. Tragically, we today have put men in the posture of women—not by placing women over them, but by placing other men over them in debilitating ways. With the same net effect!
Christian men have a general reputation as being less like John Wayne and more like good ol’ Charlie Brown.…You don’t produce “real men” by making them sit in rows and listen for seventy years. You do it by making them stand up and boldly proclaim what’s in their hearts and in the Word.”
—James H. Rutz; The Open Church; p. 174–175It is my multi-decade experience that instead of remaining faithful to proclaim liberty throughout all the land—inspiring men to take action as men and inspiring women to take action as women, leaders in the church have displaced its revelatory and spiritual calling for an earthly one of professionalism and commercial/state identity. Thus the all-powerful Jesus, Head of His own body, has been displaced for a figurehead.
I know by real-world evidence that men who preach and teach of a future hope in heaven while accommodating the evil empire are strengthening the hands of evildoers. By embracing socialism and any of its idealogical cousins, these men deny the power of the King to govern them in the “Now faith is…” reality of Christian self-government.
The King’s gospel law is a call to well-ordered liberty.* This advance of the King’s mission was the work of the early church (33 AD–3rd century AD), the Protestant Reformation (1517–1620), and America’s founding era (1620–1820), resulting in hope to all the people of the nations who immigrated here for liberty and freedom.
However, when the church is no longer the salt and light of the land, the Head of the church declares that we have become “good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot of men” (Matt. 5:13). In other words, when all the religious activity of meetings, sermons, buildings, people, giving, etc. that ought to be good for something fails to preserve the land in virtue relationally, economically, and governmentally, Christ says we are good for nothing.
Being good for nothing bothers my conscience. It has for many years. Reading, rereading, contemplating, meditating, and reflecting on these indicting words of Jesus Christ eventually moved me to no longer be part of this gross ineffectiveness of the Christian faith. I took to heart the truth that the head of every man is Jesus Christ. In other words, my individual obedience to Christ is not subject to anybody. Nobody! Rather, I owe unlimited submission and obedience to my Beloved as evidence that I am His and He is mine.
Jesus is Lord of the conscience. It is my experience and conclusion that Jesus Christ will honor a man’s faith regardless of what others do or don’t do. My life over the past twenty-nine years is proven fact that He honors the conscience of the individual who loves Him enough to actually obey Him. He said His commandments are not burdensome (1 John 5:3), so there is no excuse for disobedience to Him Who redeemed my soul from eternal condemnation.
If you choose to get to know me and how I led my household these past twenty-nine years—in particular the last twelve—through a spiritual, relational, material, and financial wilderness, you will learn of the EVIDENCE I have that King Jesus honors his men of conscience to the utter befuddlement of the naturally-minded onlooker.
My family has suffered much loss at the hands and mouths of false brethren and false teachers—men who promise hope of the King’s government for the future but who have no faith to surrender to His government today.** That is not demonstrating the love of the King for His people but is a deception to neutralize in them the King’s power to overcome false, seeable lawgivers (idols). I address this phenomenon in a burden I received from the King and presented to a gathering of the King’s people in Newville, Pennsylvania entitled “No Courts—No Justice”. You can access this word of the King online at our family ministry site: www.LibertyIsTheLaw.us. Watch or listen to this poignant word of the Lord and then share it with your circle of influence. To the degree that there are no courts of justice in churches, falsehood, theft, and murder prevail in our communities. I’m speaking by personal experience of having been murdered at least four times. Watch the video “No Courts—No Justice”.
Therefore, I am no longer willing to support men and women who choose to play church as a temporal, finite game instead of as the governmental administration of the King. Hence, my message “No Courts—No Justice” is the beginning of casting abroad authoritative teaching to faithfully represent the heavenly Father’s right that His kingly Son possess a body that refuses to accommodate the satanic world order. Therefore, my family is meeting with other believers in the authority of the risen King to unite under His divine law of love as a work of genuine unity among His saints. We fellowship together, affirming the following realities:
- A revelation that Jesus Christ is alive evidenced by…
- …agape and phileo love as evidence that the King is alive from the dead
- Eating the King’s bounty of the Lord’s supper as a full meal
- Worshipping in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual songs
- Every man contributing to the building up of the King’s body through psalm, teaching, a tongue, a revelation, an interpretation…(I Cor. 14:16).
- Equipping families for the work of serving others to live in the King’s government
- Recovering the distinction between church meetings and ministry meetings
- Praying for and exhorting the state to protect family and church
- Training men to govern their families according to revealed law
- 24/7 reality of community fellowshipping
- Continued reforming for an increasingly beautiful adornment of the holy bride
Raising awareness with Contextual Models
- “No Courts—No Justice”
- “Rule of Men vs. Rule of Law”
When the body of the King is unified locally, it will then possess the corporate authority to serve the state as the voice of conscience. That’s why loyal believers of the King in this country will marinate on the mighty works of the Lawgiver in America.
One of my conclusions about our country is that even though liberal Democrats (socialists, Marxists, communists, etc.) and conservative Republicans (socialists, feminists, statists, etc.) are responsible for where our country is, Christians are most responsible for the conduct and quality of America. That is because the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the voice of conscience to all areas of life. When the nation is corrupt and lawless, it did not begin in the schoolhouse, courthouse, statehouse, or White House. The church house is MOST responsible, for it alone is “the ground and pillar of truth”.
Second to the church house is the man’s house because the home is the first jurisdiction of law, government, and freedom. In the beginning God created the family first as the foundation and training center of well-ordered liberty for the church and state levels. Hence, you are receiving this ministry case statement as the overflow of well-ordered Christian liberty in my household.
*Gospel liberty: Galatians 5:1, 13; 2 Peter 2:19–20** “NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” —Hebrews 11:1
JOIN Household Embassy to gain access and support this vital objective toward your personal and household freedom.
Freedom Objective #1
Family Government
Household Embassies
to Overcome
Bureaucratic & Institutional Strongholds
The Private Self-Governed American Family of Virtue
Exercising the Three Functions of Government:
Planning, Executing, and Judging for Themselves
Resurrecting the lost idea that family is a government. And the born-again Christian family is upgraded to embassy status. That means the Christian household is not living for themselves but for the King of Freedom, Who saved them out of bondage to sin and lawlessness and into the well-ordered freedoms of His love and goodness.
Much more content is forthcoming. Please come back for tools to think and act governmentally. If you need immediate help, please call or send a contact submission.
Freedom Objective #3
Common Law Government
Protect Private Families
Public Bureaucratic Strongholds
Committees of Safety
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Exercising the Three Functions of Government:
Planning, Executing, and Judging for Themselves
Current Events for October 27th, and 30th 2024
Assembling Courtroom Observers and the Common Law Grand Jury
Invitation to Learn about the Committees of Safety
Contrary to how things appear, the state governs only when it enforces our common law heritage, undergirding our supreme law of the land, the US Constitution. The confusion in our modern era is that our states are not governing but tyrannizing to the degree that they legislate and enforce man-made socialistic and communistic law.The state is preoccupied with dominating over families and churches as it has been the previous 200 years. However, the higher truth is that the church has in many ways ceased “standing against the whiles of the devil” to admonish the state to serve as God’s ministers instead of as Satan’s tyrants.
Having marinated in America’s founding history, government, and law for over twenty-seven years, I’ve become pregnant with what is good about America instead of focusing on what is wrong with virtually everything. A mighty work of our King in America is that our Founders were liberated from the Old pagan World of Europe of law for law’s sake in exchange for the New World of America of law for liberty’s sake. In other words, true law in this country is liberty to govern yourself. Hence, liberty is the law.
Liberty as the law is evidence that America’s birthright (Declaration of ’76) and vindication (British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia in 1781) to self-govern was a shout of victory over the evil empire! Families, and only families, have the right to dominate the land, not the state and certainly not the church. The church’s role is to displace and destroy evil, and the state’s role is protection from evil. That leaves the role of dominion to the family, which makes for a free nation: Free people—free nation.
Yet a never-before-seen victory at the national level did not mean that Satan ceased from his operations so that Americans could enjoy a peaceful, conflict-free life. The natural condition of our relationship gardens is not flowers but weeds (strongholds). Utter vigilance is required to maintain order in service to our Divine Savior King.
“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven
suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”
—King Jesus; Matthew’s gospel record 11:12
The manifestation of the King’s government in America brings Him glory. That is why the enemy has been corrupting and assaulting the family, church, and state the last 200 years (1820–2020). The launch of this ministry in 2020 was a shout-out that my family no longer consents to such evils prevailing in America.
One of the beauties of our common law form of government is the key constitutional officer at the county level—the sheriff. The county sheriff is the highest constitutional officer protecting the lives, freedoms, and properties of the families and churches within his county.
Most sheriffs (not all, thankfully) are ignorant of the documented fact that true law in America is the liberty to govern oneself. They don’t understand that they function in a dual-role. The first role of the sheriff, as elected by the people in his county, is to protect them from encroachments and crimes from individuals and from county, state, and federal agents. You and I remain in our retained rights jurisdiction for all governance that has not been expressly delegated in our Constitution, which public agents take an oath of fidelity before the true Lawgiver to uphold. The second role of the sheriff is to enforce laws under his state governor that don’t exceed the governor’s limited, delegated jurisdiction. Idolatrous legislators each year diminish our God-delegated liberties to self-govern. Thank the Lord Jesus that in our form of government, the sheriff is a bulwark against such encroachments and lusts of legislators.
A truly God-fearing sheriff has the discretion to not enforce laws that encroach on the people’s life, liberty, and property. Again, that is one of the beauties of our form of government—the people are their own rulers.
“There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature.
He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent.”
-- CRUDEN v. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70
Therefore, we the people will instruct and empower the sheriff to defend our families and churches by resisting lawlessness from socialists, Marxists, and communists who are prevailing under the sheriff’s jurisdiction. Because there is only one Lawgiver (James 4:12), the Lord Jesus Christ, genuine Christians are the only ones who understand justice as the Scriptures record and therefore the only ones who can lead legislation, execution, and judgment in matters of law. The state is His minister to enforce the law of the land, not aggrandizing bureaucratic agencies to the demise of families. The following are current projects to resurrect common law government:
- Raise awareness about America’s enemy with my contextual model: “True Freedom contrasted with Manufactured Freedom”
- American Sheriff at Common Law: a 12-part video course in cooperation with America’s underground lawyer, Brent Allan Winters, and Sheriff Dar Leaf of Barry County, Michigan
- Ancillary to the sheriff’s law enforcement by cooperate in creating, organizing, and deploying Committees of Safety.
- Biblical, historical, and constitutional resources supporting America’s common law way of life are available at our online store: www.LibertyIsTheLaw.us
Despite the Durmaz household not being protected by our county sheriff from encroachments to our lives, our liberty, and our property, I am leading my family in the resurrection of household governance under divine law and America’s heritage of common law and am freed from such bureaucratic strongholds as the following:
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Construction Contractors Board (CCB)
- Occupational Safety & Hazard Administration (OSHA)
JOIN Household Embassy to gain access and support this vital objective toward your personal and household freedom.
Abolishing Prison Slavery
To join us in the noble work of restitution as the SUPERIOR alternative to incarceration, meet us at the Lancaster County Prison early Sunday afternoon. If you want to let us know your coming, send an email: [email protected].
Barry Durmaz published conflict the guardian of freedom in Bonus Materials-Spread The Word 2024-08-27 15:15:58 -0400
Conflict The Guardian of Freedom
Conflict and Trimup in Oregon
Who or What is in Control of a STOP Sign?
Conflict and Triump in Japan
Conflict and Triump in Florida
Conflict and Triumph in Pennsylvania
1st Case: Three Citations for violating Title 75 of the PennDOT Vehicle Code
Notice of Appeal Hearing
First: Correspondence to District Attorney Heather L. Adams
Second: Notice to District Attorney Heather L. Adams
2nd Case: Two Citations for violating Title 75 of the PennDOT Vehicle Code
3rd Case: Six Traffic Citations for violating Title 75 of the PennDOT Vehicle Code
First Response to Magisterial District Court Judge Raymond S. Sheller
Second Response to Magisterial District Court Judge Raymond S. ShellerCase DISMISSED and CLOSED by order of Magisterial District Court Judge Raymond S. Sheller
Open Message to Lancaster County Sheriff Christopher Leppler—PennDOT's Title 75 Driver's License Extortion
Introduction post for New Beginnings blog!
Hello everyone! Welcome to the start of a new beginning!
Over the next weeks, I will be posting about my life with my Scottish Grandmother. This blog was created just for her…and I’ve desired to start a blog for a while. (Note: Thank you, Adeline Kurkinen, for being a big inspiration to me!)
To start, let me say a little about myself and Grandma.
New Beginnings
Welcome Home, Grandma!
Posted by Liberty Durmaz · June 03, 2024 7:15 PM · 1 reactionIntroduction post for New Beginnings blog!
See all posts
Posted by Liberty Durmaz · May 29, 2024 1:08 PM · 1 reaction
Barry Durmaz published Your House is Key to America's Freedom in Bonus Material 2023-10-12 15:52:56 -0400
Barry Durmaz published WANTED: Dead to Slavery AND Alive to Freedom in Bonus Material 2023-10-12 15:51:44 -0400
Barry Durmaz published Christians: Pretenders vs. Patriots of Freedom in Bonus Material 2023-10-12 15:51:00 -0400
Bonus Material for What Is An American
Welcome to the resource pages for the book What Is An American.
IMPORTANT: This page is for those who have read the book. This site contains world-overcoming documents, contextual models, audio, and tools referenced in What Is An American.
The resources are evidence of fulfilling the book's promise—identify whether you a Pretender, Pirate, or Patriot of the King's Freedom.
Therefore, if you landed on this page and don't have the book, you can purchase a copy here (yet to be published).
Chapter 1: The King of Freedom
Chapter 2: True Freedom
Chapter 3: Manufactured Freedom
Chapter 4: Enemies of Freedom
Chapter 5: Conflict The Guardian of Freedom
Chapter 6: Christians: Pretenders vs. Patriots of Freedom
Chapter 7: WANTED: Dead to Slavery AND Alive to Freedom
Chapter 8: Your House is Key to America's Freedom
An Open Message to Sheriff Christopher R. Leppler
I was recently arrested and taken to the Lancaster County Courthouse to stand before a judge because I will not consent to the sinners at the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The judge was not in. So I was given more paper terrorism to pay their extortion fees based on public law Title 75 Vehicle Code violations, which unequivocally does not apply to the retained rights jurisdiction of the private People.
An administrative vehicle code, which you've likely never read, does not apply,
- Biblically
- Historically
- Constitutionally
- Administratively
to the People in their private activity. If you want a foundational understanding over the driver's license fraud and criminal extortion by the DOT and DMV, be enlighted watching my video message to my county Sheriff.
If you are encouraged by this video presentation, please share it. To those living in the jurisdictional boundaries of Lancaster County, if you want to see a resurrection of freedom in everyday living, share and promote this video and let's unite as Americans of virtue to overcome the political divide of socialism, Marxism, and communism. That is exactly what I am experiencing today—made safe before the wrath of the Holy Lawgiver.
Resurrection of my self government and family government
Barry Hasan Durmaz is the author of the forthcoming book, What Is An American: Pretender, Pirate, or Patriot of Freedom
He excels in all things management, governance, and administration. Visit him at his family-integrated business ministry, www.libertyisthelaw.us
Barry Durmaz
Exercising, promoting, and defending your God-delegated duty to govern yourself.