Resurrection of my self government and family government

Barry Hasan Durmaz is the author of the forthcoming book, What Is An American: Pretender, Pirate, or Patriot of Freedom

He excels in all things management, governance, and administration. Visit him at his family-integrated business ministry,

Barry Durmaz 136LC

Barry Durmaz

Barry Durmaz's activity stream

  • commented on Episode 6: Sunday Scriptures For Patriots 2021-09-27 10:00:45 -0400
    I like your comparison between voluntary vs. involuntary suffering. I believe you are correct with your assessment about how a married woman can overcome oppression manifesting out of her husband. The victory goes to the wife who applies the ultimate weapon of the Christian life—the Cross.

    The cross of Christ is another way of saying death to the self life. Where there is an oppressive husband, the wife can overcome, not defeat, that stronghold by not responding as her flesh would like her to respond—to fight fire with fire. No. The way to put out a fire is with the Rivers of Living Water flowing out of her. This is the Spirit-filled life, which candidly is the new birth.

    I’m at a place in my walk with our unseen King where I understand why in marriage much of the conflicts results. One or both spouses are not genuinely experiencing the new birth by the regeneration of the spirit man.

    As I stated in one of the earlier podcasts, the Lord said, “Depart from Me you who practice lawlessness.”

    Living by one’s feelings, I will say, is the involuntary suffering. Living by how one feels in a conflict leads to open wounds in the soul. So when men like Sean Morgan and myself who dare tread on these sensitive but vitally important matters of household governance and the marital union, we inadvertently step on a land mine when the “knives” come out in response.

    Conversely, when a married woman, like those few you know, genuinely lives by faith and not by sight of her feelings, she is truly fighting the fight of the faith through the suffering, and thereby her wounds are healed unto scars, which reminds her that she’s been in a fight. Now she has a testimony of what the King is doing in her when the devil accuses her of anything. Scars are the rewards for suffering by faith—voluntary suffering. Overcoming the oppression or injustice is the reward for suffering the cross of the King. Defeat, pain, and misery are the consequences of suffering in the strength of one’s own flesh, which we know, as the Scriptures record, “…profits nothing.”

    Your thoughtful inquiry as to Andrea being helped by a healing & deliverance ministry for a deeply wounded soul vs. a teaching ministry for a coachable person is one I want to think on a bit and discuss with my family. On the one hand, I can see your point from the perspective of differing gifts given to the body to minister at different points of need. On the other hand, I have placed myself under teachers from whom I could hear with my inner ear a sound of truth that I could not walk away from, and in time, I’ve been healed and delivered from the oppression and nonsense of my flesh. My wife can give a similar testimony—she overcame depression with nothing more than in-depth discipleship. In other words, it’s the Word of the King that is doing the work, not the teacher or minister. Regardless of who sows the Word of the Kingdom, it is the soil of the individual heart that will determine whether faith will prevail or Satan will prevail by stealing the Word that is sown. The Devil is after stealing the Word of our unseen King out of the hearts and minds of everybody. My position is that if Andrea submits first to the King and loves first Him, according to His written Word, she will have the power to submit to her husband in obedience to the second great command to love her neighbor as herself.

    My initial reply to this last part touches on what I’ve come to experience is perhaps a fraud in many areas of counseling. I’ve dealt with so-called Christian counseling where my mother is concerned and her husband, who is not my father. After years of counseling by various church leaders and by paid Christian professionals, there continues to be marital disunion and relational death. When a man does not husband his wife, he is in rebellion to his Head. I see this in many a place by those who profess faith, but do not possess genuine sanctifying faith. All of us redeemed men and women are His ministers to do the work of ministry to those whom the Holy Spirit brings into our lives. I’m describing a using kind of faith as a superior and biblical alternative to a meeting kind of faith.

  • PROMOTE - Self and Family Government

    PROMOTE your self-government and family-government is about MARKETING FREEDOM. 

    Materials and merchandise for off-line marketing in our store are forthcoming. Until then, please visit your SPREAD THE WORD page to PROMOTE liberty to your beloved family and friends. 

    Thank you for your support of ANY kind.

    Plus, your financial support will keep us on the front-line of helping you erect your self-government and family government. Remember: Your house is KEY to America's greatness. 

  • DEFEND - Self and Family Government

    DEFENDING your self-government and family-government is about liberty INSTRUCTION. This website is dedicated to defending your duty to govern yourself and your family on your terms, not the terms of strangers and sinners in Marxist bureaucratic administrative agencies. 

    Contrasting America's Enemies with Americans

    Christian Approach to Correcting Wrongs

    No Courts—No Justice

    Information that leads to Transformation

    More content forthcoming.

    Thank you for your support of ANY kind.

    Plus, your financial support will keep us on the front-line of helping you erect your self-government and family government. Remember: Your house is KEY to America's greatness. 

  • signed up on Join 2021-09-04 17:22:44 -0400

    Join Household Embassy

    Your house is KEY to America’s freedom.

    When the American Union of Free and Independent States and the Church of Jesus Christ in that union are found in captivity to its culture and a federal territory of 10 square miles through subversive activities to individual liberty, healthy families as the foundation of society must deploy both tools and weapons.

    Tools are necessary for rebuilding and weapons are necessary for defensive and offensive engagement of enemies to the rebuilding of your individual liberty through the art and practice of Christian self-government. Keep in mind, that we are not talking about weapons of a natural nature but spiritual and therefore demolishing satanic strongholds. Prayer is a weapon, the Cross of Christ of self-denial, faith, and strategizes to excel in the art of fighting without fighting, such as writing papers the evil empire cannot answer. 

    Wars are rarely won on defense. The true church of the Lord Jesus Christ is in a war over manifesting the earth’s rightful King. The prime directive for those who are lovers of the Lord of Liberty and His benevolent fruits of a perfect Law of Liberty is to sabotage the works in enemy-occupied territory. If you’d enjoy an entertaining reminder of what this looks like, view the classic film, The Great Escape.

    There once was a civil ruler who deployed such a strategy of rebuilding and restoration—Governor Nehemiah of ancient Israel. He authorized families stationed around the city perimeter to rebuild a wall of defense and protection using a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other. This is the Kingdom's strategy for rebuilding out of the ruins of unbelief and disobedience.

    Answer the call to rebuild out of the ruins of Babylonian captivity

    In other words, be more concerned with the quality of government in your house than in the church house, courthouse, state house, or even the White House. Your house is KEY to America’s freedom.

    ''All government originates in families, and if neglected there, it will hardly exist in society...The foundation of all free government and of all social oder must be laid in families and in the discipline of youth...The Education of youth, an employment of more consequence than making laws and preaching the gospel, because it lays the foundation on which both law and gospel rest for success..."

    —Noah Webster

    Founding Father of American Education and Scholarship

    Author of American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828 Ed.

    Join the move of the Spirit to train and develop your family into a Household Embassy—an outpost for the government of God and the planet's rightful Landlord, Jesus Christ.

    Sign up

  • commented on Episode 3: Sunday Scriptures for Patriots: Overcoming America's Enemies With Christian Self-Government 2021-09-05 19:55:59 -0400
    Hello madam Satomi! It is a delight to receive your comment. You are most welcome (grace) about mentioning your feedback on this episode of the podcast with Sean Morgan.

    We deeply appreciate you taking time to convey your thoughts and support for this new work. Really!

    Thank you for sharing the overflow of your treasure with the Durmaz household. That is the goodness of our Chief Financial Officer working through you to bring provision to my household in our time of need.

    Your feedback is most helpful to me, Satomi. It encourages me to hear that your edified by the proclaiming of Christ’s kingdom government of self-government on his land TODAY. This is how any of His redeemed people will love our enemies and thereby overcome the King’s enemies until they are made His footstool.

    If you would be so kind, please mention the Durmaz household in your prayers before the Throne of our great King! Thank you for being a supporter and joining our mission to America, which I trust will have a knock-off effect to our Canadian friends. Let’s be in touch.

  • published Store 2021-08-21 13:13:20 -0400

  • published Resources in Rebuild 2021-08-17 17:45:17 -0400


    Here is a list of recommended resources that are enjoyed by the Durmaz household embassy under the rule of America's unseen King Jesus Christ. 

  • Sunday Scriptures for Patriots: Overcoming America's Enemies With Christian Self-Government

    This post introduces a new ministry platform that I have been invited to participate in on a weekly basis. 

  • An American Christian Family Under Assault from a Pennsylvania Corporation

    How can you genuinely know that you are making a positive difference in this world? You’ll know when you're attacked. Attacks are standard operating procedure from people who FEEL threatened by your contribution in advancing the interests of America's unseen King. 

    Read more

  • published Credibility in About 2021-02-22 11:34:40 -0500


    Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. —Proverbs 27:2



    Barry's teachings, mentorship, book, and each of his family members have blessed me, my business, my marriage, and my family. He and his family have gone above and beyond to bring the light of Christ and his teachings into my life. When I reflect, I realize that this shift to using the word of God as my guide for my family government has given me the system that I was missing. Before, I was leaning on my own fallen mind for understanding. Now I know where to turn and Barry and his family have been instrumental in that shift. (Not only on a theoretical level, but a practical seeing them live it.) If you have the opportunity to seek counsel from Barry, you should treasure it. He is very generous with his time, attention, tools, and resources for living a righteous life in imitation of Christ

    Sean Morgan



    "First, I want to say, you are an incredible person. I wish we could clone your mind and character! I am not saying this to flatter you or float your ego. I believe you are truly an asset to liberty and I will do my utmost to support you in every way. To be sure, many people have, and many will misunderstand your intentions and your beliefs. Being misunderstood is part and parcel of the territory you are navigating. I also know that you have a reasonable understanding of what you are up against not only in the struggle toward liberty but the human challenges in life. A large element of your success is focused on your ability to articulate your thoughts and beliefs. In that, you are doing well, however because of the magnitude of your challenges, the necessity to do that is increased a thousand fold. Continuously consider your ever increasing responsibility for clear articulate communication in speech and in the written word. I know you are up to the challenge."

    Blessings to you & family,


    Patrick Locke, DTM, Triple Crown
    Toastmasters District 7
    Northern Division G Director

    “Barry....endeavor to refine, document and present your thesis often as possible, then record and address hostile and friendly questions, until your convictions are well founded. You are bound to make the brethren uncomfortable!”

    James B. Rose, President
     American Christian Heritage Institute


    "Barry...a man who embodies this teaching more than anyone I know."

    Max Lyons
    Director of Teaching Services
    Foundation for American Christian Education

  • published Your Conscience in Rebuild 2020-11-01 08:49:10 -0500

    Liberty of Conscience

    KEY QUESTION: Are you an American Christian or are you providing aid, comfort, and compliance to America's enemies?

    Here is one revealing way to know—take the PEERS Test. 

    The PEERS Test is the only professionally validated test of the worldview of individuals in the areas of Politics, Economics, Education, Religion and Social Issues. The PEERS Test reveals a decline in high school and college students over the past several decades who are equipped to hold and articulate a Biblical view in these critical areas that affect our nation’s future. This downward trend has caused the Durmaz family to become ardent advocates for Christian education. Christian children deserve a Christian education.

    The test has helped many parents and educators receive a vision for a truly Christ-centered education. In addition, PEERS testing for the past three decades validates America's historic philosophy and method of education, applying the truths of the Lawgiver's revelation at the heart of every subject in the curriculum. This educational approach most successfully produces a Biblical worldview in students.

    Barry Durmaz first took the PEERS Test in 2013. Here are his results.

    Kyoko's results. 

    Victoria's results. 

    Joy's results

    Josiah's results. 

    Discover what you don't know that is actually opposing the American way of life of Christian self-government. Take the PEERS Test by contacting Barry Durmaz: [email protected] or call: 717-902-9440.


    The Significance and History of the PEERS Test

  • EXERCISE Self and Family Government

    EXERCISE your self-government and family-government is about liberty LIVING.

    US Passport

    How Barry secures US Passports without divulging their Social Security Number. It's the FED's number, not the People. 

    Voter Registration ID Card

    Cover letter when applying for a voter registration card without declaring oneself as a U.S. citizen, but an American citizen.  

    Travel on Public Roads



    2nd Attack: NOTICE TO APPEAR

    3rd Attack: NOTICE TO APPEAR

    More materials are forthcoming.

    Thank you for your support of ANY kind.

    Plus, your financial support will keep us on the front-line of helping you erect your self-government and family government. REMEMBER: Your house is KEY to America's greatness. 

  • Tribute to the Life and Ministry of James B. Rose


     September 17, 1931 - January 19, 2019



    Mr. James B. Rose is the first man outside my father in an echelon of men who’ve influenced the course and direction of my life for good. James Rose was to me a friend, counselor, spiritual father, and master teacher of America’s Christian history, government, and education. What I heard, embodied in this man, I was not satisfied to limit to a classroom or lecture. James Rose was a man to pursue, and I did so while also embracing his family—thank you for the hospitality, Barbara—and his ministry associates.

    Read more

  • published DONATE 2020-02-04 13:19:03 -0500

    Love is Marked by Sacrifice

    What soldier goes to war at their own expense? The fact that a man voluntarily immerses himself for years in training, in denial of pleasures, in toils and troubles in service to his countrymen, means that living for his own interests alone is not satisfactory to him. Living to defend and ward off enemy predators to his countrymen is EVIDENCE of a man as a living sacrifice to His God and His countrymen. 

    The marks of genuine faith are recognized by a love that sacrifices. Love is no longer understood as making sacrifices, yet the very definition of worship is becoming a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). The early century believers in Christ were marked by their sacrificial love for one another. 

    The birth of America was demonstrated by fathers who "...mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor".

    In that spirit of America's Founding Fathers, this self-governed father is leading his Household government to respond to the Spirit's call. We've been summoned out of Babylon [1] to rely wholly on Him for us to do the impossible—govern ourselves without permission from others. That is the Spirit of true leadership.

    The evidence is available: America was birthed by a love marked by sacrifice—the highest expression of what is a father. 

    Watch Paul Harvey: Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor

    Then consider how you might lovingly support the work of resurrecting family government with your Time, your Talent, or your Treasure


    [1] "Babylon is the synonym for confusion, lost distinctiveness, lost testimony, spiritual paralysis, and a false life." T. Austin Sparks; God's Reactions To Man's Defections; page 17

  • published Leadership 2020-02-04 09:04:22 -0500