The Power of the King’s Love (Part 5) - Episode 28

In addition to experiencing freedom from fear and torment through the power of the King’s love and freedom from deception, delusion, and seduction through the power of the King’s perfect law of liberty, you will discover three rewards when you love the King’s Word more than anything else.

Hear what one listener says about this series: “What a powerful message that needs much meditation and thank you for bringing to my attention what Jesus said in Matt. 22:29 as we are today living in a culture of great deception & seduction. Alarmingly much of the church is no different from the world because they know NOT the scriptures nor the power of God. goes the Church so goes the world!” —Satomi Hirano, Vancouver, BC

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Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. 

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