The Power of Love Over Anger and Cursing (Part 11) - Episode 34

What happens when a person surrenders to the perfect Lawgiver of Love?

How do you know you are loving people when it truly counts?

How can a person who gets angry in the flesh and curses at life’s problems learn to be abased? As Paul the Apostle wrote, “…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound” (Philippians 4:11, 12).

The answer to these questions is highlighted by one aspect of behavior and attitude that is called forth when others oppose your life to live under the King’s government today.

Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]

Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.

Download the contextual model: “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”

Download the contextual model:Pagan_vs._Christian_Era.pdf

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  • Barry Durmaz
    commented 2022-05-02 12:06:02 -0400
    If you hear anything truly good from me, that is our unseen King working by His Spirit, not me.

    Of course, studying to show myself approved before our King and talking to Him frequently, as in daily, He does manifest Himself in power to overcome the fallen world order (tyranny), with well-ordered liberty to do good for myself and others, such as yourself.

    It is encouraging to me that as you are ministered to, you are spreading the good word of our King to people in your life. Two are better than one because we have a better return for our effort.

    The King’s government of self-government in our person, our words, and our families is being erected.

    Lisa, thank you, for your enthusiastic support of this international missionary family to America. I remain at your service.
  • Lisa Williams
    commented 2022-04-28 10:00:28 -0400
    I absolutely LOVE IT when you say “the game is on now” between satan and the Holy Spirit when strongholds manifest against us. Total truth.
  • Lisa Williams
    commented 2022-04-28 09:56:17 -0400
    Awesome show! Pleasingly surprised at how much it made sense to me. Your words are so well put together to make sense of and put into context — real life. Took so many notes and shared the show with others that could use this knowledge of the King’s words. I love the references to Bible passages as each subject is discussed. Yes, I, as well as many, can relate to cursing amongst ourselves when things don’t go according to our plan. Excellent lesson in understanding the King’s love! A must listen. Thank you Barry for sharing what was on your heart.