Happy New Year! It's 2022. Sean Morgan and I discuss how family is a government as we consider the three functions of government:
Life moves fast, and we can forget how God is working in us and through circumstances. Chronicle the many providences of God over the last year. Say thank you to those who've invested into your life. Forgive those who’ve wronged you in 2021 and overcome the relationship-defiling cancer of bitterness.
Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:
Acts 24:15-16
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
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FacebookJesus is the Master of everything, thus individuals who are redeemed out of the depraved and fallen evil empire, have been liberated by a spirit of excellence (Phil. 4:8) to perfect our faith with a reverential fear.
I see you are hungry for truth, Maria. Bless the Lord God almighty for hungering and thirsting for righteousness (right-headedness). Though you were out of your head that has left you bereft of a husband, through your abiding relationship with the King, you now have access to His righteousness—His Head is the only right head (see Romans 3:4; 1 Cor. 2:16).
Yes, I can highly recommend a volume among others that will cast a vision for the resurrection of an endangered species, the distinctly American Christian mother. The title is: Letters to Mothers by Lydia Huntley Sigourney.. I will get a copy to you by postal mail. In fact, I will send you an email with a pdf introducing you to this historian of the 1800’s.
Further, I invite you to read a blog post I wrote for Mother’s Day in 2020: : https://www.libertyisthelaw.us/the_patriotic_duty_of_american_christian_mothers. Feel free to leave a comment.
By working towards renewing your mind to the American Christian mother, you will, indeed, be throwing off the enemies to our American way of life of Christian self-government. I look forward to seeing you progress in our new faith journey to embrace the government of our King with increasing measures for your household victory, Maria.
Thank you for your support of this international missionary family to America. Two are better than one.
Ever since I discovered Sean Morgan, you and your mission, I have found so much understanding and peace within myself.
I am a single mother of two and I am working hard on being a better mother full of Jesus and love.
Because of many life trials caused by my own choices, I have lost focus of what a happy family is, and although we are missing the father aspect, the series ‘Masculine Christianity’ has guided me so much on how to be a better mom. Do you recommend anything I can follow or read to be a better Christian mother?
Thank you for the time you invest in helping lost people like me,