Resurrecting Masculine Christianity (Part 4) : The Rise of Feminism and the Erosion of Masculinity - Episode 19

Feminism’s war on the family minimizes sex distinctions and degrades the status of the house wife in exchange for identity and fulfillment in a career.

Sean Morgan and I discuss the first of three waves of feminism in America (1830s–1920s); how Susan B. Anthony moved social causes against alcohol that led to the passage of the 18th Amendment, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.

Manly men who drank wine during the Lord's Supper were demoted to boys playing with grape juice. 

Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:

1st Timothy 1: 8-9

Leviticus 20: 13

Jude 1:7

Psalm 19: 7-10

Matthew 23 & 24

Psalm 104: 15

Ephesians 5: 18

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  • Barry Durmaz
    commented 2021-12-20 19:51:54 -0500
    Lisa, where you have been all these years!? Your enthusiastic feedback is very encouraging. Thank you, madam!

    So one of the realities about me, is that I avoid the shallows like the plague. I want substantive, meaningful relationships, which do require DEEP communications. That scares a lot of men away from me, and even some women. Nevertheless, I pan for silver until I find GOLD!

    I believe that is who Jesus Christ is. He goes DEEP before taking people wide. The trouble is that’s the narrow way and few go therein. But it is divine life to overcome the decrepit world order that many faith professors have accommodated to their conformity of the world order.

    Haven’t we seen enough of the shallowness of modern Christian faith that is devoid of power to deal a death blow to the King’s enemies? And experience victory TODAY?

    For over 25 years, I’ve been pursuing where I see the King lead me by His Spirit, He will take His children as far as they have faith to entrust Him with all of their life.
  • Barry Durmaz posted about Resurrecting Masculine Christianity: The Rise of Feminism and the Erosion of Masculinity (Part 4) - Episode 19 on Barry Durmaz's Facebook page 2021-12-20 08:59:07 -0500
    Resurrecting Masculine Christianity (Part 4) : The Rise of Feminism and the Erosion of Masculinity - Episode 19
  • Lisa Williams
    commented 2021-12-20 08:30:48 -0500
    Excellent show/discussion. Keep going. I love how you and Sean are delving into the “meat on the bone” approach. It touches on real life topics, something that is glazed over in our culture. I love listening to all the perspectives on biblical values as it applies to our modern world.