The Power of the King’s Love & Suffering (Part 8) - Episode 31

The love of America’s unseen King suffers. That means men and women who are of the King Jesus Christ also suffer as they exercise the King’s authority in their respective jurisdictions and callings.

Many a man and woman shun suffering and therefore fail to understand the first fundamental truth of the power of this divine love.

In today’s episode of Scriptures for Patriots, I delve into how this love is the answer to every person who opposes your life and is thus the answer for the repentance, healing, and restoration of the King’s land today. Whether you live in America, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Scotland, Turkey, etc., where the King’s perfect law of liberty is proclaimed, you are called to love and suffer for His interests. 


This episode also includes a new contextual model for download, “The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America’s Unseen King.”

Request the free book His Great Love and booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]

Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. 

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The Power of the King’s Love & Suffering (Part 7) - Episode 30

Conflicts are unavoidable—they are part of the King’s plan to train, equip, and exercise His authority through your life today.

God’s redeemed men and women are not called to make truces with sin and lawlessness but to make war in enemy-occupied territory, beginning with oneself.

God the Holy Spirit gave me a divine download for our continued household and marital union victories!

In today’s episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I address more fully the Power of the King’s Love and Suffering as applied to the man and woman question. You don’t want to miss this insight and accompanying thinking tool for download.

Download this new thinking tool: The American Christian Home Suffers the Authority of America's Unseen King


Request the free book His Great Love AND booklet The Fellowship of His Sufferings by T. Austin-Sparks from Emmanuel Church—

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]


Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.

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The Power of the King’s Love (Part 6) - Episode 29

In today’s episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I demonstrate how Jesus never used words to say “I love you.” Rather, He demonstrated love by His acts of obedience to His heavenly Father.

Much of Christendom today is unwilling to experience suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ. Yet suffering is an act of obedience described in First Corinthians 13. I give real-world examples out of my life how my suffering for Him is evidence that I love Him, that He loves me, and that together we are overcoming attacks to His kingdom self-government.


Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church—

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]


Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths

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The Power of the King’s Love (Part 5) - Episode 28

In addition to experiencing freedom from fear and torment through the power of the King’s love and freedom from deception, delusion, and seduction through the power of the King’s perfect law of liberty, you will discover three rewards when you love the King’s Word more than anything else.

Hear what one listener says about this series: “What a powerful message that needs much meditation and thank you for bringing to my attention what Jesus said in Matt. 22:29 as we are today living in a culture of great deception & seduction. Alarmingly much of the church is no different from the world because they know NOT the scriptures nor the power of God. goes the Church so goes the world!” —Satomi Hirano, Vancouver, BC

Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church—

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]


Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths. 

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The Power of the King’s Love (Part 4) - Episode 27

In this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I unpack how Christians can avoid the error, deception, seduction, and delusion that are crippling the family, the church, and the nation. Christians are most responsible for America’s conduct and character, and you don’t want to be part of her downfall.

KEY Passages of Scripture addressed in this episode: Matthew 22:29; I Corinthians 4:20; I Corinthians 13:13; James 1:19–25; I John 4:17–18.


Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church—

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]


Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.

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The Power of the King’s Love (Part 3) - Episode 26

How is love and power connected in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ?

How important is the King’s perfect law of liberty to achieving victory over sin and addictions?

Why is ignorance of the King’s perfect law of liberty not simply being wrong about a given matter but so much worse that you don’t want to be guilty of such ignorance?

Join me on this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots as we continue the journey of overcoming enemies to the family, church, and state.

Passages of Scripture addressed in this episode: I Corinthians 4:20; I John 4:17–18; Matthew 22:29; Matthew 22:37.


Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church.

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]

Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.

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The Power of the King’s Love (Part 2) - Episode 25

On this episode of Sunday Scriptures for Patriots, I am joined once again by my eldest daughter, Victoria, as we further unpack the most important subject to master—the virtuous power of the King’s love operating in His people today. What does it look like for children whose father is pursuing the love of Jesus Christ as he leads his family to overcome opposition to his life in service to the King?

Request the free book His Great Love from Emmanuel Church.

Address: 12,000 East 14th Street, Tulsa OK 74128-5016

Telephone: 918-838-1385

If no answer, call: 918-437-7064

Email: [email protected]


Download the contextual model: Evidence for Authentic vs. Counterfeit Faiths.

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The Power of the King’s Love - Episode 24

February 14th is an American national holiday—Valentine’s Day. It’s a time of romance, intimacy, chocolate, and what not. However, as important as sexual love is in marriage, it is not able to work the power of the King’s love in you when it truly counts—when pressure, problems, and conflict arise because of your standing with the King and all He represents. Join me on this journey to explore how powerful the love of the King is to overcome those who oppose your life.

Key Text: 1 Corinthians 4:20

Contextual Model - Evidence for False vs. Genuine Faith



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The Passing of James Roland Wright

Every once in a while, a vessel of the Lord comes along and imparts the virtue of the King's government in one’s life. One such man in my life was James Roland Wright of Jacksonville, Texas.

On December 21, 2021, James departed this natural, earthly life for life eternal in the heavenly realms where Jesus Christ is ruling until His enemies are made His footstool. 

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First Wave of Feminism in America (1830 - 1920) - Episode 23

Feminists are women who are contentious about manly drink (I Timothy 5:23); contentious against restitution (slavery) (Exodus 21 & 22; Luke 19:8; Ephesians 4:28); and contentious against marital oneness (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 4:3).

 Article - Why Women Do Not Wish the Suffrage

Scriptures Referenced In This Episode:
1 Peter 3: 1
Ephesians 5:22
Titus : 3-5

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